This is the latest class I am sharing with my lovely ladies and whether you are still like me teaching remotely - or whether you are able to safely gather again - I am sure you and your customers will love making these projects.
The class can be taught as one big mega class with all 10 projects, or broken down into smaller classes to suit your needs.
I used the stunning Peony Garden DSP, ribbon and bling and demonstrated with lots of different new stamps to tempt my customers - and tempted they are with lots of follow up orders!
I used the stunning Peony Garden DSP, ribbon and bling and demonstrated with lots of different new stamps to tempt my customers - and tempted they are with lots of follow up orders!
The class includes
- Printable sheets for each fancy fold with measurements, hints and tips
- An introduction video giving an overview of the class
- Videos for each project showing your how to make a template and giving some example hints and tips too.
In addition you will receive all the usual goodies from me
- Measurements for all the projects in inches worked out for US Letter and A4 sizes
- Bonus standard A4 and US letter layering measurements
- Non-logo photos for advertising the class
- List of items to order and ideas for pricing this class
- Everything printable on US letter or A4 paper with correct local spellings :)
You can buy this class securely on Paypal for just £10 or approximately $13. The class will be sent to your email inbox.